Innovative Medicines Canada congratulates Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his re-election

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Ottawa, September 21, 2021—Innovative Medicines Canada (IMC) welcomes Canada’s 44th Parliament and congratulates Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his re-election. IMC and its member companies are committed to collaborating with the federal government on policies which shape our life sciences sector. IMC looks forward to the announcement of a new cabinet.

IMC is the national voice for Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry. Our members produce many of the vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics that are enabling Canada to emerge from the global pandemic that continues to have a devastating impact on the health and prosperity of Canadians.

IMC member companies have demonstrated capacity for building and sustaining a robust life sciences sector which includes ensuring innovation and ultimately early access to medicines and vaccines for Canadians.

Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry remains steadfast in calling for a review of our country’s regulatory framework as it relates to the development and availability of new medicines and vaccines. A new government offers a renewed opportunity for open dialogue, engagement and ultimately change.

Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry looks forward to continuing to build a relationship between government and industry with a view to strengthening Canada’s life sciences sector and ensuring a robust and competitive innovative pharmaceutical industry.

About Innovative Medicines Canada

Innovative Medicines Canada is the national association representing the voice of Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry. The association advocates for policies that enable the discovery, development, and delivery of innovative medicines and vaccines to improve the lives of all Canadians and supports the members’ commitment to being a valued partner in the Canadian healthcare system. The association represents 47 companies who invest nearly $1.2-billion in R&D annually, fueling Canada’s knowledge-based economy, while contributing $8-billion to Canada’s economy. Guided by the Code of Ethical Practices, all members work with governments, private payers, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders in a highly ethical manner.

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For further information:

Corinne Crichlow
Director, Media and Public Relations


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