Compliance with IMC Code of Ethical Practices during

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Press Release

Ottawa, April 20, 2020 – The Canadian innovative pharmaceutical industry continues to demonstrate its leadership and willingness to collaborate with stakeholders to fight the spread of COVID-19 by developing new testing methods, finding treatments for those infected, and creating a vaccine to prevent future cases.

While the innovative pharmaceutical industry is focused on its role to find COVID-19 solutions, it remains committed to protecting Canada’s drug supply and maintaining patient support programs to keep Canadians healthy and reduce the burden on Canada’s health systems.

In order to respect social distancing measures and comply with regulations prohibiting in person events, the industry is increasingly using technology to ensure physicians have continued access to learning opportunities to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills among Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) to improve and optimize patient care.

The increasing use of virtual learning programs for HCPs by IMC members has prompted some questions regarding ethical practices related to these programs. While the Code of Ethical Practices does not specifically address some of the questions that are now being raised such as for example the provisions of meals and logistics during virtual learning programs, members are reminded to follow the spirit of the Code and its guiding principles to help resolve these issues.

IMC expects that its members will continue to comply with the IMC Code as well as the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations’ (IFPMA) Ethos with respect to their interactions with HCPs and other stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

About Innovative Medicines Canada

Innovative Medicines Canada is the national voice of Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry. We advocate for policies that enable the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative medicines and vaccines that improve the lives of all Canadians. We support our members’ commitment to being valued partners in the Canadian healthcare system.

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For further information:

Sarah Dion-Marquis
Director, Media and Public Relations
Telephone: 613-769-6510


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